意昂3娱乐海外專家講座✥:Learning Analytics in Education: Objectives, Application Possibilities and Challenges

報告題目:Learning Analytics in Education: Objectives, Application Possibilities and Challenges

報告專家:Mirjana Ivanovic




報告摘要:Technology enhanced learning is one among more attractive research areas today. Especially after facing COVID 19 era and intensive use of on-line tools for delivering classes and communicating with students. Educational and Learning Analytics also started to be extremely important in systems based on recommendations and personalization approach in teaching and learning. In this presentation we will give some overview os several important topics in this domain like: Key Trends in Contemporary Educational Environments, Why associate big data and learning analytics together?, Educational Data - Benefits for Learning Environments and Analytics, Potential Application Areas of Educational Learning Analytics, Challenges of Learning Analytics Technologies in Higher Education. Some open questions in this area will be also discussed.


專家簡介:Mirjana Ivanovic, Full Professor at Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia,Mirjana Ivanovic holds the position of Full Professor at Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. She is a member of National Scientific Committee for Electronics, Telecommunication and Informatics within Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia and member of Board of directors of the Institute for Artificial Intelligence Research and Development of Serbia. She was a member of University Council for Informatics for more than 12 years. Prof. Ivanovic is author or co-author of 14 textbooks, several international monographs and more than 450 research papers, most of which are published in international journals and conferences. Her research interests include agent technologies, intelligent techniques, applications of data mining and machine learning techniques in medical domains and technology enhanced learning. She is member of Program Committees of more than 300 international conferences, Program/General Chair of several international conferences, and leader of numerous international research projects. Mirjana Ivanovic delivered numerous keynote speeches at international conferences and visited many academic institutions all over the world as visiting researcher (Germany, Slovenia, Portugal, Australia, China, Korea). Currently she is Editor-in-Chief of the Computer Science and Information Systems journal.


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